Sunday, March 09, 2008

Real Estate 2.0

Realtor Magazine has a great article in this month's issue about what's up next next for agents on the internet. Blogs and social networking sites like Facebook enable Web users to connect with one another rather than view content passively. This evolution has been dubbed Web 2.0.

Likewise, Real Estate 2.0 brings the ability to actively connect consumers to agents online.

For agents, gone are the days where putting up a website for exposure in the hopes of passively attracting buyers for their listed properties is adequate. Real Estate 2.0 is all about blogs, social networking, wikis, mashups, posting videos on YouTube, and connecting with consumers.

I'm happy to say that we're positioned well for the transition. Besides this blog in which I syndicate articles I've written in my MichiganMoves "Bringing You Home" and A Wacky World of Real Estate blogs, I'm active on social networking sites such as ActiveRain, Trulia, and Zolve. Additionally, I'm creating neighborhood mashups, starting with All About Plymouth and All About Michigan.

Real Estate 2.0 is about being visible on the web and marketing our listings to the broadest possible audience.

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